Zemaitis 1969 A/C 6st CUSTOM
トニーの名を知らしめたアコースティックとして、いまでもその音色は健在。内ラベルには、年式とグレードとトニーのサインがフエルトペンのようなもので記されている。当時は、まだグレードが、Standard, Superior, Customの三種類しかないが、そのうち、SuperiorのLondon時代のモデルは確認できていない。
Made in 1969, one of Tony's earliest works, when he had just begun his own guitar workshop. ?Intricate inlay work, jacaranda headstock veneer, solid-silver head plate, all details of the good old times, specs-wise. ?Still a great sounding acoustic, for which Tony became known for. ?On inner label, year, grade and Tony's signature inscribed with something like a felt-tip pen. ?Only three grades existed at that time, Standard, Superior, and Custom, yet up to now, no London-period Superior model has been be found.